Moving is a stressful, hectic time. Packing up one’s life in a series of boxes and transporting
them, whether across a city or across the country, requires a great deal of organization and
dedication to the task in order to see the process done properly. Fortunately, a few tips and the
use of a moving company will help keep everything sorted and easy to access on the other end.
Resist Procrastination
Beginning to pack can be a daunting time. Get started early. A few weeks before the moving
trucks arrive, start by filling several boxes daily. Begin with those items that are not essential to
daily life. When the work is well-paced, the task does not seem so overwhelming. Make the job
simpler by getting started early and working consistently.
Pack by Room
It can be tempting to mix and match items from various rooms to best fit boxes, but this makes
unpacking a chaotic prospect. Instead, work room by room, and section of room by section of
room. When clearly labeled, this makes the task of unpacking much easier.
Label Clearly
For each box, write the room name and a general description of the container’s contents on the
side and top. Using different colored markers for the boxes of each room provides additional
clarity for the moving company, friends who are helping out, and yourself. You can also use
colored dot stickers to help distinguish rooms at a glance.
Use Packing Paper
While newspaper can be tempting to use for protecting your items, the ink may bleed onto your
belongings. White paper used to pack avoids this problem. Use colored tissue paper to wrap
tiny knickknacks and small items to avoid them getting mixed in with crumpled lumps of the
paper used to pack and discarded.
Use Moving Boxes
Moving boxes are sturdy and designed for the task. Boxes obtained from the local grocery or big
box store may not be clean or tough enough to hold the weight of possessions that they would
hold. The extreme variety in box shapes and sizes can also make loading a difficult prospect.
Use free online concierge services
While moving is stressful, following these simple tips will make the process as smooth as
possible. You can also make use of moving companies that do everything from filling the boxes
to transportation. Whether you and your friends and family do the task alone, or you use a
moving company, keep the move as organized and straightforward as possible.
Moving is often synonymous of stress, long administrative tasks and a significant waste of time
and money. Here is an online concierge service to organize your move! We invite you to
discover our free moving tools available to all.
• Update accounts
• Connect Internet, TV and Phone.
• Secure home and auto insurance
• Find resources, checklists and more.
brings together more than 700 organizations across Canada with a single and
simplified form.
Check Moving Companies’ Reviews
Find the best moving companies with positive word-of-mouth and high ratings. Many movers
include testimonials on their websites. Look for mentions of care taken with possessions,
organization, and prompt work. Whether you are undertaking local moves or long distance
moves, a reputable moving company will make the process much less of a headache.
If you are thinking of moving, call us for a quote,

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